Why Your Home Needs The Ultimate Gutter Guard…

Foundation Damage
Expanding and contracting soils around the home are the primary contributing factor of slab failure.
When it rains a lot, the soils around a home become saturated with moisture.
The soil then begins to expand. When the soils dry, they contract again.
This cycle of expanding and contracting can compromise the support of the foundation causing cracks in foundations and masonry.

Wood Damage
Rainwater sometimes gets underneath the eaves or overhang of houses, causing mildew, rot, and other damage.
Over time, this can expand to other previously “healthy’ wood, causing even more damage.
Sometimes what starts out as a little rotting wood grows astonishingly quickly into a pathway large enough foreven a small rainstorm to pour water into your home, causing even more carnage.

Staining of Masonry
Rainwater flooding off of an un-guttered roof will often hit the ground with such force that it will cause water, dirt, grass, and minerals to splash back against the side of your house.
Over time this will stain the siding or masonry of your home.
Sure you could wash or pressure wash away the stains, but you would be only one hard rain away from having them all over again!

Landscaping Damage
Flowers, shrubs, ornamental trees, mulch, and soil located underneath the drip line of an un-guttered roof can be damaged from the water run-off after a severe thunderstorm.
This excess of water can also cause too much moisture in the soil causing fungus and unwanted insects.
The Ultimate Gutter Guard gutter protection system can prevent the water run-off and protect your landscaping.