How to Prepare Your Home’s Gutter System for Severe Winter Weather 

In recent months, the United States has seen severe weather conditions – ranging from immense flooding to increased hurricane activity to unusually cold temperatures and even blizzards with complete white out conditions.

It is more important – than ever before – to ensure that your home is prepared for these types of events – especially severe winter weather. This should be done in the fall months; however, if you are reading this, there’s still time to prepare the gutter system on your home.

What Is the Purpose of the Gutter System?

Most home gutter systems do enhance the decorative appeal to the home; however, this is not the main purpose of the system. The main purpose is to direct moisture away from the home and the sensitive components of the structure – such as the siding and the foundation.

In turn, this prevents the possibility for the development of mold, mildew, and fungus and also reduces the possibility for water damage to occur. The gutter system is one of the most critical components of your home. For this reason, it is imperative that you take the time to prepare them for severe winter weather. 

Completely Clean the System 

First and foremost, you must completely clean the gutter system. This means clearing out all of those leaves, little sticks, moss, and whatever else has made its way inside of the components of the system.

First, this will ensure that moisture is capable of effectively flowing into and through the system. Secondly, this reduces the actual weight load on the system – which prevents the system from failing. 

In short, pick what you are able to out, use a small plastic shovel to get the rest, and rinse out the system with a hose or high-pressure system. Do not clean the system if there is ice or snow.

Also, do not clean in below freezing temperatures. These conditions are dangerous to you and could result in frozen water to develop within the gutters. 

Inspect and Repair

Once the gutter system is completely cleaned, you should then carefully inspect every component of the system. If you notice cracks, dents, or even rust, you should make the necessary repairs quickly.

If you are not comfortable performing the repairs yourself, you should hire a home improvement specialist who will quickly and safely handle the task for you. 

Upgrade Your Gutter System 

If you find that your gutter system has a lot of problems, you should consider upgrading the entire system to a leaf-free system. It really is not at all too expensive.

In addition to beautifying the home, it will also improve the overall value if your home. One of the best on the market today is the Ultimate Gutter Guard Leaf-Free System. 

Contact Us Today 

If you need assistance in prepping your current gutter system for severe winter weather or have an interest in having the Ultimate Gutter Guard installed at your home, call us today here at Southern Industries Home Improvements.

While on the phone with us, be sure to inquire about our low-price installation sale. For more information, dial us at the following number: (833) 240-4900


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