MARKETING MANAGER DAILY ROUTINE CredentialsGM Name OfficeSelectAugusta (SSW-ENL)Columbia (COL-ECB)Charleston (CHS)Savannah (SAV)Atlanta (TAY-SUG-SWN)Knoxville (KNX)Chattanooga (CTT)Charlotte (CLT)Greenville (SGV-CGG)Birmingham (GBH-CBH)Huntsville (HNT)Canvass TeamNumber of people in the canvass van today Where do you plan on canvassing? What is your goal for today? Follow-up to CanvassHow many hours did you knock the previous business day? How many leads did you get? Did you hit your goal?SelectYesNoSAMS Club / BJsWho's working SAMS today? What are the SAMS Club hours today? What is your goal for today? Follow-up to SAMSHow many hours were you in SAMS the previous business day? How many leads did you get? Did you hit your goal?SelectYesNoTrainingDate of your next scheduled training? MM slash DD slash YYYY Time of training Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Call CenterWhere area(s) will you be focusing on today?Previous CustomerRehashExisting DatabaseOtherYou can select multiple items.What is your Next-Day appointment goal? Follow-up to Call CenterHow many hours did you work? How many leads did you set? How many of those were Next-Days? OtherComments