
What Should I Expect During the Window Replacement Project?

Guy fixing the window

Replacing one or more windows throughout your home is a wonderful way to improve the curb appeal of the home and optimize the interior aesthetics. In addition to this, it also improves the energy efficiency of the home and more. This is a significant home project you may only have done only once or twice… Read More…

Innovations in Glazing Technologies in the Window Industry


Window technology has significantly evolved over the past several decades. On the most part, single-pane windows have been abandoned. Today, homes are being constructed with double and triple-paned windows that include specially-designed glazing systems, such as smart shading and low-E coatings. As a result, these homes have a higher level of efficiency. In this guide,… Read More…

5 Benefits to Choosing a Vinyl Frame for Replacement Windows in Your Home

Window frames

Vinyl had become the premiere choice for window frames among homeowners in recent years. This is due to its unique blend of convenience, performance, style, and durability. By incorporating high-quality vinyl replacement windows into your home, you will find that there is a high return on your investment through the amount you save on energy… Read More…

Will My Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Damage to My Windows?

Cracked window glass

As time progresses, it is not at all uncommon for the windows of your home to take a bit of a beating. It may come through from winds, storms, or other types of physical forces. When extensive damage occurs, you may find that covering the repairs with your own money may become quite costly- especially… Read More…

3 Factors to Consider When Shopping for Replacement Windows for Your Home

installer putting in replacement windows

The windows in your home are a major feature of your home that should not be disregarded or turned into some type of afterthought. All of the features of the home – including the windows – should be highly functional and in with the current trends and placed so that they last far into the… Read More…

High Impact Windows Are a Must for Those in Hurricane-Prone Zones

Moisture on windows

High impact windows are known by many names. These include “impact-Resistant windows”, hurricane windows”, and “laminated windows”. These windows are designed to withstand the stress of hurricane-force winds and various types of projectiles that are moving at very high speeds. If you live in a hurricane-prone zone, it is important that you have high impact… Read More…

Replacement Window Buying Guide

image of man using a buying guide via computer

It has been established that one of the easiest and most effective means of improving the curb appeal of your home and its value is to replace the windows. Replacement windows look great and aid in improving the energy efficiency of the home. They also improve the security of the home. In this replacement window… Read More…

Simple Steps to Adding an Egress Window to Your Basement

brown sliding door in a basement

Basements often feel dark and very confining. The good news is, though, that they do not have to feel so limited and basic. By installing an egress window, you can open up the room and optimize the level of safety in your home while also increasing the value of your home. In this guide, you… Read More…

The Various Types of Windows and The Associated Technologies of Today’s Windows

different types of windows

In today’s world, there are numerous design-based features and associated technologies that aid in the overall energy efficiency, durability, and functionality of home windows. If you are reading this, chances are, you are currently shopping for replacement windows for your home. The ultimate goal is to ensure that you get the right type for your… Read More…

3 Amazing Ways Your Windows Aid in Optimizing Your Health

Lady opening the window

The windows of your home provide you with more than just a means of observing the outdoor areas of your property. They are a means of allowing all of that natural light into your home. It is well-known that increased levels of natural light are highly beneficial to the health. The windows of your home… Read More…

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